Wrap Up and Evaluate

Planning Tips

It’s not over till it’s over. The success of your reunion includes some final steps that tidy things up and sets your next event on the proper trajectory.


  • Return all borrowed equipment (overhead projector, DVD player and stapler from the sales office)
  • Pay all your bills
  • Meet with hotel staff to make certain everything is settled. It’s easier to solve problems in person than by letter, email, or phone later.
  • Tip staff that deserve special consideration
  • Collect all the data and information you can about the number of rooms used by your group, the number of meals eaten in the hotel’s restaurant and the amount of room service. This information is important for your next reunion negotiation to demonstrate your business and economic value. It is well worth the effort.
  • Create a full reunion evaluation form for members and committees. See reunion forms in the back of this book.

Soon thereafter

  1. Write thank-you notes to committee members and key hotel staff.
  2. Write a letter or e-mail the hotel’s general manager and recognize employees – by name – who did an outstanding job. Such commendations help management make decisions about raises and promotions. You may also wish to give them a T-shirt, hat or other memento from your group.
  3. Include a reunion summary from the chairperson, recommendations and treasurer’s report in a mailing or newsletter.
  4. Analyze all the information you collect – both positive and negative – and give it to the committee for your next reunion.

Finally – Sit back and contemplate that each reunion presents new faces, challenges, problems and successes.

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