Last July, I was sitting in the bleachers of my daughter’s softball game. Because of COVID, at the conclusion of the game, coaches abandoned the traditional high fives with the other team, opting for a parade-like wave across the field.
But this was July. It was hot and sunny. We had vaccines and were feeling pretty darn good about the future. So, when the outcome of this particular game was decided, players lined up and high-fived the opponent. Touching another person’s hand? This would have been unheard of six months ago! But again, we were feeling pretty good in July 2021, so as the players congratulated each other on a good game, I stood up in the stands and announced to other parents, “The pandemic’s over, people!”
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
First, the left punch from Delta, then Omicron with a right cross and by January of this year we were feeling pretty crummy about travel. But lately, the clouds have parted and, again, we’re feeling pretty good about the future. Cases are down. Vaccines, immunity and therapeutics protect us. We’re more knowledgeable.
And it’s not just me who’s feeling good. A recent Longwoods International survey of American travelers shows that we are starting to look past the pandemic. News of the decline in new Omicron cases is impacting sentiment and only 24% of travelers say that COVID would greatly impact their travel planning over the next six months. While 31% say the pandemic has no influence at all. Additionally, 87% of American travelers say they will travel in the next six months, a clear indication that this is going to be a busy year of rebound for the travel industry.
With that being said, what’s your plan for gathering with friends and family? Where are you looking to meet-up? Fortunately, this edition of Destination Reunions has plenty of ideas with destinations eager to host your next gathering. From big cities to big mountains, beaches to Broadway theater, there’s something for everyone inside this edition.
Family travel has been one bright spot over the last two years and we’ve resolved to continue to provide unique ideas both through this publication, online and in our InSite from Destination Reunions e-newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading the advice and destination stories we produced. If so, tell your friends and family about Destination Reunions and let’s kick this family travel trend into high gear!
Happy Traveling,